Multi exercises accomplish using Fesia Grasp
Best electrodo positioning
Exercises using Fesia Walk
At Fesia we develop, manufacture and commercialize innovative medical devices, based on new technology of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in order to provide support in the recovery of injuries from neurological disorders, such as stroke, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis, among others.
Fesia Walk is a gait neurorehabilitation device, based on scientific evidence, for people who suffer from drop foot as a result of:
Fesia Walk generates surface electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial and peroneal nerves to trigger plantar and dorsiflexion in the corresponding gait phases.
Fesia Grasp is a hand neurorehabilitation device, based on scientific evidence, for people who have lost the ability to control the hand and finger movement as a result of:
Fesia Grasp generates surface electrical stimulation to trigger flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers in order to regain the function of the individual’s hand, his freedom and independence.
The main benefits of FES are:
1.- Garment
2.-Multi-Pad Electrode
3.- Stimulator
4.- Motion Sendor
1.- Garments Left $ Right
2.- Multi-Pad Electrode
3.- Stimulator
4.- Fesia Software